
3rd Annual

aXe Hackathon

Hosted by Marcy Sutton & Wilco Fiers
Deque Systems

Goals for Today

  • Identify a11y bugs with aXe
  • File bugs or work on projects
  • Meet your neighbor
  • Have fun!

Group strategies

  1. Find a partner
  2. Go solo

Thanks to our sponsors!

eBay Google

Projects to Target

  • Open source component libraries
  • Websites and applications w/ feedback channels
  • axe-core: WCAG 2.1 or other rules
  • Personal accessibility projects

Available Testing Tools

aXe Chrome extension

Sample Issue Format

Keep track of how many issues you file!

 ## Issue Description
// What is the nature of the issue? Which browser and/or Assistive Technology?

## How to reproduce / Current behavior
// Step-by-step instructions explaining how to reproduce the problem. Environment required, explicit identification of the component in question

## How to validate (Acceptance Criteria) / Expected behavior
// A set of assumptions which, when tested, verify that the accessibility requirement was met.

## Additional information
// How does it impact users?

// Stacktraces, related issues, suggestions how to fix


Thanks for joining us today! We'd love to hear what you learned :)